Sunday, December 11, 2016


Healing from pain is something that we all will go through at some point in our life.  Whether the pain comes from something physical or emotional, we still must go through a process for the healing to be done completely.  This often brings us to some of the most uncomfortable places and positions in our lives because if you are like many, you want the process of healing to hurry up so that you no longer are feeling the pain.  But for the pain to heal, it must go through a daily process while being cared for and treated.

If you fall and break your arm, or receive an open wound, the first thing that’s done is to examine the injury and see how serious the damage is so that the proper treatment can be administered.  You would not treat a broken bone injury the same way you would treat an open wound injury. You would not treat an open wound injury the same way you would treat the loss of a limb injury. Yet, these injuries bring you pain.  This is the same when it comes to emotional pain in our lives. There are different things that take place emotionally in our lives where the healing process and time is different based on what caused the pain.  Although the cause of the emotional pains may be different, it still renders a hurtful situation. That hurt could come from losing a loved one in death, the ending of a relationship, or the betrayal in a relationship. Whatever the reasons, the pain is there and you must first administer treatment to the wound daily and go through a healing process. 

The loss of a loved one in death brings a different type of pain than a loss of a loved one who has walked out ending a marriage or relationship/friendship. They both cause you to feel significant loss, bringing some type of void/emptiness into your life and the pain can often feel unbearable at times.  However, you can heal from both.  Your healing journey and time will be different. While one will never allow you to be able to see that person naturally again, the other presents a possibility of being able to see the individual again.

The pain from brokenness in a relationship due to betrayal, infidelity, and more, requires a different type of treatment then the one you have in dealing with the loss of a loved one.  No, this does not devalue your pain and brokenness, but because you’ve decided to stay in the relationship and work through and rebuild it, thus, allowing your relationship to heal, it will still require you to administer treatment to the wound daily and go through a healing process. 

The time it takes to heal is different for each person as some heal faster than others. However, this doesn’t have any bearing on how painful one’s hurt is compared to another’s.  I often hear people ask or say to individuals, “Why is it taking so long for you to get over the hurt?” or “It must not have hurt that badly since you are able to move on so quickly.”  The only response I can give is, each hurt and each person’s healing process is different.  A deep wound that requires stitches may require more treatment and healing time than a wound that only needs some peroxide and a bandage.  The loss of a loved one due to death can cause an emptiness and hurt because of a void, where the loss of a loved one from an ended marriage or betrayal, may not only cause a void but causes pain and brokenness and leaves one scarred. 

Your hurt and healing time is different from someone else’s, so never compare the two.  However, what must be done in any situation where hurt has taken place is to treat the wound and allow the healing to be completed.  If you keep picking a wound that’s trying to heal, you may not only cause it to become infected but you are also prolonging the healing process. It’s the same with emotional hurt. When we try to fix it ourselves or rush the process, we can cause more damage and even allow the enemy to come in and infect the situation. 

But there is a doctor that can fill that void, heal your wounds and hurts, and restore you from your brokenness. But only if you seek the treatment and allow Him to act. He is the “Great Physician,” “Jehovah Rapha, God your Healer,” … His name is Jesus! 

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. (Psalms 147:3 ESV)

Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for you are my praise. (Jeremiah 17:14 ESV)

No matter what type of hurt you are experiencing, if you submit yourselves, cry out, seek and surrender that pain to Christ, He shall comfort and heal you.  Jesus can fill that void, restore you, as well as that broken relationship.  But, we must be willing to allow Him to.  There is no hurt that Christ is not aware of and, although it may seem like no one understands or can imagine the pain you feel, Christ does. He has already taken the pain upon himself. 

But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed. (Isaiah 53:5 ESV)

Turn it over to Jesus, get in His presence and Word for daily treatment, and allow Him to heal you completely today.

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
(Matthew 11:28 ESV)

Be Encouraged!
Evangelist Steele

© Copyright 2016 Just A Diva Encouraging Ministries, All rights reserved

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